Everyone wants to get rich.
No one wants to stay poor and penniless. There are lots of books out there that talk about just that – getting rich and getting rich fast. Books authored by successful businessmen and motivational speakers that try to convince us that their advice is the best way to get rich.
Becoming a millionaire has become one of the main goals and dreams of most people. I’ve found that, while there is no foolproof way to get rich, there are some principles that we can learn that will definitely increase our chances of getting rich. My goals in writing this book are to Inform, Educate, and Motivate. Finally, it is also my goal to disturb you.
Chinkee Tan is a well known Filipino motivational speaker. He specializes in topics concerning wealth and life such as financial management, relationships inside and outside home and personal development to name a few. He has helped a lot of individuals, married couples, families and even companies as he continues to share his passion, thus, being one the famous motivational speakers in the Philippines. To this day, he continues to inspire thousands of people through his books, free business seminars in the Philippines, social media and being invited to be a motivational corporate speaker to different organizations.